3 September 2014

Being Brave Enough To Be Selfish | Lifestyle

For about a year I've put myself in a situation that has made, quite frankly, a miserable person. In our society we've almost been trained that money is important, do what you can to get money so you can buy things you don't actually need... Only in the last 3-4 months have I really sat back and reflected on what I'm doing with the majority of my time and the impact it's had on my life. I've decided that I'm going to list down a few things to bare in mind when you're making important decisions, that in hindsight, I should have made to avoid a turbulent year. 

Where is this going to take you? Something to keep at the forefront of your mind when making choices is if this has scope for development, can you gain experiences that you will value here? Although boring and I sound like a parent I really believe in this concept. Having somewhere to progress to whether it's in a job, a relationship or anything else in life, is so important, if you're passionate enough about something then knowing it won't end at the first hurdle and leaving you stuck on that jump is a great feeling.

Simple, but true. If you're not happy, why do it? we have a very short time here so why spend yours miserable? For me this wasn't what I thought about when I was making choices a year ago. I came out of university eager to start in the working world and took the first opportunity that came my way- at the time this was fantastic, I didn't take much into consideration, the prospects, the impact on others, healthy and obviously happiness. I'll keep this simple, if you're doing something that makes you feel less than you're worth- why? Obviously you should always try and resolve the situation and talk it out, failing that cut ties, I don't see the point of keeping negative influences in your life... I've always cut my losses with friends, work and much more when I don't feel any positive impact...maybe I'm a cynic? 

I believe that nothing (within limits) is worth putting your health at risk for, be it physical or mental. whether its simply feeling run down from doing too much and needing a time out, or mentally exhausted it's just not worth it. For the past 3 months I've felt so low, very unhappy in myself which has taken a bit hit on a lot of my life.I'm usually as very upbeat person, I'm daft as a box of frogs so for me to spend many evenings upset has been a little worrying... I've felt unmotivated to do a lot about my issues, which for a good reason I won't disclose fully at the moment! whilst on holding I realised it#s about time to step back and realise it's ok to opt out of something if you're taking a weight from the situation and you can't take the strain.

Be Selfish :
The last few months I've been selfish, not in an awful way, in a personal way... I've stopped doing things because its 'cool' or other people want me too, if I don't feel comfortable or happy I'm simply not doing it. I'm looking for other options that will lead me to great places, something that will let me be myself while achieving a lot and I don't feel guilty, why should we spend our lives taking orders and crap about things that ultimately don't matter. explaining to my parents who are from the generation where "money is money, jobs aren't everything", that I'm trying to do something to make myself a better person that I ultimately don't care that much about money has been difficult, but part of this is being selfish and putting happiness first. 
Give it a try!

M x

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